interview with Sharon Howarth (green candidate)
Posted: September 22nd, 2008 | Author: Darren Chartier | Filed under: politics | Tags: canadian election 2008, democraticspace, greenparty, politics | No Comments »i interviewed Sharon Howarth, the green candidate for my riding today, the details are up at democraticspace
a few things that didn’t make it into that post.
1. we ran into the liberal candidate, Andrew Lang, as we walked out to the park bench where we sat and talked. was a funny moment in my mind. Sharon and Andrew seem like they’re on good terms from the .5 second interaction i witnessed
2. Sharon really does believe she can win, which struck me as commendable if unrealistic (would be really cool to be proven wrong on that front)
anywho, check out the post. i’ll be interviewing the Liberals next. i’ve been meaning to get in touch with the conservatives, but Christina Perreault’s website is conspicously missing an email address to contact and the days are too busy for me to find time to call (going to have to make some time i guess). if you’re from the toronto-danforth conservative party please get in touch with me! darrenc (at) gmail (dot) com
i guess i should try to get in touch with the NDP too, but really, what are the chances Jack has time for a little guy like me?
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